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Home > Forums > Problems / Complaints > Triangles disappeared when camera is distant. Page :  1 
Triangles disappeared when camera is distant.

I have 2 problems here.
(1)I was using the vincent implementation of opengl es and the ug library. When i move my camera further away from the objects, many triangles "disappeared" thus causing lots of holes. This is not due to incorrect setting of the far plane(using perspective view). When I port the whole code over to using glut|es and hybrid's implementation of opengl es, there is no such problem.

(2)Also, there seems to be some bugs in the ugluPerspectivex function. Can't see my objects when i used this function. When I use ugluPerspectivef instead, no such problem. For the input parameters of ugluPerspectivex, i had used the correct fixed point representation.


1) The Vincent library does have many issues. Have you specified the UG_DEPTH parameter when initializing the window.

2) There was a bug in the ugluPerspectivex function. The new fixed version of the GLU|ES can now be downloaded.

Thanks for ur reply.
(1) Yes, I did specify UG_DEPTH.
(2) Yes, I am using the gluPerspectivex function of glu|es now.

Oh, I just realized this is not the forum for vincent library. Because your tutorial was based on their library, so I mistook this forum as the official one for vincent library(not sure if there is one though). So sorry. Just wanted to bring out this problem(possible bug) to them.


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